Noruego muerto por un disparo en la nuca

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Imagen de Herr Peter
Visto por última vez: Hace 1 año 6 meses
se unió: 21/03/2010 - 03:22
Noruego muerto por un disparo en la nuca

Norwegian Shot by Ex-Wife’s New Thai Husband

A 34-year-old Norwegian man was shot in the neck by a gun that discharged while he was fighting with the husband of his ex-wife in Nakhon Sawan province. The Norwegian reportedly owns the gun, and got angry after not being allowed to take his young daughter for a custodial visit.

Published : January 28, 2013

KHAMPHAENGPECH – January 27, 2013 [PDN]; at 12 p.m., a report of a man being shot and injured was received by Pol. Maj. Paisarn Wannachai, Inspector, Meuang Khamphaengpech police station. He rushed to inspect the scene with the detective police team and the rescue officers.

The incident occurred on an upper floor stairway in a building that houses the Krua Kan Eng restaurant, located on Wang Khang road, Tambon Nai Meuang. The Isarn food restaurant is located on the first floor of the 3-story building.

At the scene, police found the injured victim, identified as Mr. Thomas Kruner, age 34, nationality Norwegian. He had been shot in his neck and severely injured. The officers hurried to send him to Sawanpracharak hospital, Nakhon Sawan province.

Waiting for the police was the gunman, identified as Mr. Manoonsak Cheuycham, who was standing to surrender himself to the police and still shaken by the incident. During questioning, Mr. Manoonsak said he had been sleeping in the bedroom on the third floor with his wife, whom he recently married. She was identified as Ms. Piyathida Singreuang, age 34, the owner of the restaurant downstairs.

They had been living together for only two months, he said. Ms. Piyathida also has a 3-year-old daughter, whom she had when she was married to Mr. Thomas. Earlier that day, Mr. Thomas had come to take his daughter temporarily in their custodial arrangement. But Ms. Piyathida had refused because her daughter was sick.

Mr. Manoonsak said he awoke when Mr. Thomas suddenly entered their apartment and began destroying their property. Mr. Manoonsak tried to stop him, so they began fighting. Then both of them fell down on the stairway outside, which made the gun that Mr. Thomas had with him fall on the floor.

Both men tried to grab the gun, and during their struggle the gun automatically shot by itself twice. Mr. Thomas was shot in the neck, and was severely injured and bleeding heavily. So Mr. Manoonsak removed the magazine from the gun and waited for the police.

Police then questioned Ms. Piyathida, who said that she used to live with Mr. Thomas for almost 7 years, and they had a daughter together. But she divorced Mr. Thomas two months ago, and he had moved away to live in Bangkok.

However, Mr. Thomas regularly came back to Kamphaengpech province to visit his daughter, and to take her for short periods to stay with him. Meanwhile, she had married Mr. Manoonsak, who had moved in to live with Ms. Piyathida and her daughter.

On January 26, Mr. Thomas came to ask to bring his daughter to take care of as usual. However, because her daughter was sick and Mr. Manoonsak was helping care for her, Ms. Piyathida didn’t let Mr. Thomas take their daughter. She did not think her refusal would anger her ex-husband so much and cause this troublesome incident.

She was in the bedroom when her ex-husband and new husband were fighting in front of the bedroom. Then she heard the noise of gunshots and went out to check. She discovered that Mr. Thomas had gotten injured, so she and Mr. Manoonsak hurried to notify police to take him to the hospital.

However, the police still didn’t believe the testimony of the couple. So the police seized the 9 mm gun used in the shooting, along with the spent bullet shells. Police will investigate to confirm who really owns the gun. Police will also track for stains of carbon from gunpowder from the hands of both Mr. Thomas and Mr. Manoonsak to investigate the matter further.

Fuente: Pattaya Daily News

Visto por última vez: Hace 10 años 1 mes
se unió: 09/08/2011 - 10:31

Una desgracia para Los hijos 

Visto por última vez: Hace 11 años 1 mes
se unió: 30/12/2012 - 10:08

Meterán al Thai en cuestión en la trena de por vida no? o en estos casos tb se salvan?

Imagen de Pii Jay
Visto por última vez: Hace 9 años 8 meses
se unió: 16/01/2011 - 11:32

@arxaon, si eres thai y ademas tienes dinero se podria decir que practicamente Tailandia es tuya, puedes hacer practicamente lo que te salga de las narices y quedar impune (asesinatos y violaciones incluidas).

Visto por última vez: Hace 10 años 5 meses
se unió: 19/07/2010 - 12:25

El otro día en uno de stos talk show de la tele salía una senyora explicando que su marido era "prisionero profesional".

Básicamente consiste en que su marido iba a la cárcel a cumplir la condena de otro a cambio de un salario.

Vamos, que ni que les condenen, no van a la cárcel. Se contrata a un sustituto y se hace una donación al funcionario de turno y todo arreglado.

Visto por última vez: Hace 11 años 1 mes
se unió: 30/12/2012 - 10:08

Vaya tela, menuda mafia que tienen estos montada, pero bueno habrán casos que ni con dinero te salves o si xD.... y al prisionero este profesional digo yo que como están aquí las leyes, en esta vida no tendrá muchos trabajos xD

Imagen de Herr Peter
Visto por última vez: Hace 1 año 6 meses
se unió: 21/03/2010 - 03:22

Pues ya se me ha adelantado Manolete. El nieto de Red Bull mató a un policía e intentó incriminar al mayordomo que se autoinculpó. Creo que en este país no hay nada peor que matar a un policía, pero a pesar de ello, me temo que no llegará a pisar la cárcel en ningún momento.

Visto por última vez: Hace 11 años 1 mes
se unió: 30/12/2012 - 10:08

Mamma mia , pero menudo marrón para el Mayordomo xD, si algo leí antes de venir a Tailandia, en un ferrari y luego aparecio en el entierro con un saco billetes.... pos a todos estos guarros son a los primeros que metía en el talego, la vida de una persona no tiene precio, y encima te das a la fuga, que te querías ir de rositas con el ferrari hecho pedazos... si es que no tienen luces, le has atropellao te quedas que siempre sera mejor que pisar el acelerador, aparte nunca hay que omitir el deber del socorro o aquí eso no existe? malditos ricos, tampoco soy de los que piensa que metiendote toda la vida a la cárcel se arregla algo.. pero unos añikos si q lo metía y de multa , pues 10 ferraris, lo hecho hecho está no se puede ir atrás en el tiempo... 

Imagen de tornado
Visto por última vez: Hace 10 años 7 meses
se unió: 01/10/2011 - 17:59
Al parecer durante la pelea la pistola se disparo dos veces y por casualidad alcanzo al noruego! Que cosa mas rara!!

La lectura hace al hombre completo, la conversación lo hace ágil y la escritura lo hace exacto.