mujeres scam de rusia. atraves de correo electronico. aviso para navegantes enamorados de las nordicas. rusas, ukranianas, etc..

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Imagen de Borja
Visto por última vez: Hace 10 años 1 mes
se unió: 25/05/2010 - 23:27
mujeres scam de rusia. atraves de correo electronico. aviso para navegantes enamorados de las nordicas. rusas, ukranianas, etc..

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aquí os envio todo este documento para que veais como trabajan estas pajaras o pajaros. por que pueden ser hombres de la mafia rusa que con unas fotos de modelos se dedican a enviar a incautos faltos de amor unas cartas muy enamoradizas. jejeje. mentira todo. una chica de poco más de 24 años, sin ton ni son, super enamorada de un hombre mayor. y encima la tia está superbuenisima. huele a mierda. yo estuve a punto de caer hace años en mis primeros pasos en internet en busca del amor. ya digo, estuve a punto de perder dinero con un envio, que luego anulé, antes que ella o él lo pudiera cobrar. algo me desperto a media noche y no podia dormir. me puse a buscar por internet y plaff, premio. encontré una pagina dedicada a chicas rusas scam. allí estaba la foto de aquella chica como una chica scam rusa. inmediatamente fuí a correos a primera hora. pregunté si habian cobrado el dinero que yo habia enviado el dia anterior y me dijeron que aun no. dije con gran alegria. que lo anulen. el funcionario de correo me dijo, pero eso representa un recargo por esa operacion. le dije es igual. prefiero el recargo que perderlo todo. así que si alguno de vosotros alguna vez recibierais cartas de amor de lindas nordicas o preciosas africanas, todo es un engaño. los unos son la mafia rusa. los otros son la mafia nigeriana. me pregunto cual será el modo de operar de la mafia thai?


send you this girl scamer, with pict that him/her send me. for that you inform the other people. thank you


To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: Info
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2011 09:29:49 +0200



HEHEHE. you girl scam. hehehe. goodbye

> Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2011 10:36:02 -0600
> From: [email protected]
> To:saiti
> Subject: Info
> I have got all travel info from agency and resend this letter . you should know it is
> only booked schedule and I will send more details later when I have
> tickets in my hands,I will send time of my arriving to your airport
> and number of terminal!Now I am sending exact date of my flight.I am sending
> english variant you have to understand it!
> >----------------------------------------------------------------------
> >From "Tour Trip, Moscow, RUSSIA" to Lebedkyna Kristina.
> >TRAVEL INFO : Lebedkyna Kristina - Individual tour. Flight info - English variant.
> >Travel dates for: Ms. Lebedkyna Kristina.
> >Thank you for your booking and have a pleasant journey. Kind
> >regards.Travel Agency - "Tour Trip, Moscow, RUSSIA" is a licensed and officially registered travel
> >agency.
> >Please use our service .Manager: Ms.Homyzhkova Evgeniya.
> >The date of the flight is - Friday 22, April 2011.Departure from
> >Moscow (SVO), Russia , Domodedovo International Airport >
> >Price: foreign passport,visa,tax,consulate fee,ticket Eco.class.USD
> >800.00 + Visa -390$
> >all the sum : 1190+
> >Taxes and fees 60.00USD Includes a service fee. Total trip cost 1,250.00 USD
> >Your reservation will be confirmed by e-mail. Prices are not
> >confirmed until we issue your confirmation invoice.
> >This reservation will be automatically cancelled if the order is not
> >purchased until - Friday 22, April 2011.
> Vicent hello again ,I am here after my visit to the
> consulate and to the agency please be ready to read my long letter.
> the thing that mom could send only 200$ due to finance problems at
> home I have got transfer today morning and I need your help.Mom has
> told me that I can ask you about help if you are my future beloved man
> and she will send all the sum in three weeks and i will give it to
> you.Vicent I wanted
> to ask you to help me to pay for my tickets directly but I was told in
> travel agency I can't use your help or ask you about sending me
> tickets or ordering electronic ones because I have a permission to use
> the help of the travel agency only. You see it is business of travel
> agency to arrange all travel things for my trip, such is the law.If I
> will but ticket by myself, I will be not able to use my work visa. so you
> can't send me tickets.
> If I will not buy tickets my visa will be
> canceled and it will be forbidden for me to apply for visa again for
> next 8 months. I have only about 150 dollars that I expected to take
> with me for the first time and plus 200$ mom sent so if you will help
> me with 950$ I will have enough to buy tickets and have some extra
> money for travel needs.well,I will be here in late
> evening and please don't worry if I can't answer immedeatelly I have
> too much to do.Vicent make transfer by western union, I
> have got transfer from mom and have all the info for it and it was so
> easy to get.Only show my passport. You should know my rent address
> here is ulitca Smorodinova 21, kv.2,Moscow, full name is
> Kristina -(first name).Lebedkyna -(last name) and
> I can pick up the money at any bank of moscow. it will be safe to use western union transfer
> because I need to have passport to receive it!And please after you
> complete transfer write me the number of the transfer(MTCN),
> Please try to help me with the sum and in one month I will return you
> money back!! P.S.Vicent dear I am sure when we meet we will have no
> regrets about it, I promise. I dream about our first
> meeting, our first kiss ,our first night.............I will dance for you,
> I think everything depends on
> you! please, honey, don't leave me alone I've done so much to start
> this trip and I don't want to give up.and as always forget about
> important thing, when I got my mom transfer in western union bank here
> I fill out the form and I send this form because I can't get
> transfer from you if I don't know this info to fill the form.
> I need to know ---Full name of the sender.
> The name of the town from where the transfer was sent.
> MTCN transfer number.
> Please don't forget to send this info!!thank you in
> advance!!!!!!Please forgive me if everything sounds a little crazy
> and my letter is too long today . Kristina.

why you dont reply my questions?
when you travel from Barajas?

send me your travel information.
what you want about me?
i cannot to go at Barajas.
yes. you beautiful.
we not compatible. you young and model beautiful. me old, fat and ugly.
all this make me scare.

> Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2011 14:17:23 -0600
> From: [email protected]
> To: saiti
> Subject: I am in Moscow! Kristina!
> Hey dear Vicent , can you believe I am here in moscow ,what
> is the great city it is!!!!I rent a room from an old woman.The hotels here are very
> expensive and I think I am not princess to spend money to live in
> hotel where the room costs about 150-200$ a day! the lady where I rent room is about 70 years old.
> tell me is it O.K. if we will like each other may
> be it is possible to live together?I think it could be more funny than
> to live me alone in hotel!?!??!??!of course if you don't mind ,
> I will send all the info about my flight schedule and all travel things tomorrow!
> people from agency have told that everything is ready and I
> will get all the info and I am waiting for the letter from my mom,she
> promised to send transfer as soon as she can!she should send the amount I need
> to buy tickets!well,I will close this letter ,I have so strange
> feeling that I know you for many years and I have never met you before
> but I am so sure that everything will be all right between us and we will have a lot of fun and wonderful sex.
> Kristina. people here were so kind to take photo of me and did help me to send it from airport internet cafe.I do hope you like it and it puts smile on your face!!!


I do not understand you. what you want from me? you are young and pretty. too young and too pretty. I'm not your man. I'm ugly, old, fat, bald and poor. my ex wife left me and divorced me because I was poor, old, ugly, fat and bald. I have a 55-year-old. I do not think a girl model, she looks at me being so young and beautiful. I repeat the question. what you want from me? but. up to you.
the airport international it is BARAJAS from  MADRID from SPAIN. i dont know the code. but if you come to Madrid what you want that i make? the next two weeks i dont go to be in xativa neither in Madrid. i travel another country at a house of friend.
He invited me to be in your home, the Holy Week and Easter. you have understand? i dont to be in my house aboout 2 weeks. ok?
you and me cannot feelings. ok? you young and beautiful and model. me old, fat, ugly, bald and poor. what feelings with a model with 26 years old and a man with 55 years old? it cannot exist. me can yes. that i like girl beautiful. but you cannot. when you see me you go to be shy for me. sure. the same of my ex wife. i dont believe in the love, now. in the love with a girl young and a man old. it is cannot possible.
then i dont know wath you want about me.

> Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2011 23:50:18 -0600
> From: [email protected]
> To: saiti
> Subject: Hey my dear,it is me Kristina here.
> Vicent hello dear, you should know
> that after sending this email I will go home, take my packed bags and
> fly to Moscow!You know I sent documents for visa to moscow about 2 months ago,so
> when I will arrive to moscow my visa will be already ready!!well,I
> have to run,I think I will be able to send letter from moscow tomorrow
> Please wait for me and don't look at
> different girls,you know I am the best!!!(joke). Vicent and
> Please confirm the name of the closest Airport to
> you (possibly International) and the code if you I will go to airlines office and will
> buy a tickets to Moscow I will be in moscow today evening,
> tomorrow I will get visa and all travel documents.
> in Moscow I will get my documents to travel, as work permission, medical insurance
> etc.Vicent from Moscow I will buy ticket to your
> airport. I know it will not be cheap, but my mother will receive a
> salary for last 6 months (her work detained wages)and will send me to
> moscow by western union to help me to pay for tickets!.and about one important thing,do you agree that good
> sex is quite important for successful relationship? I like sex a lot but at
> first I have to be sure that I have feelings and want this man because just sex without
> feelings is not so hot and tender,I think so.please tell me what do
> you think about it?Kiss Kristina!


I live in Xativa. it is a small town. the best connected international airport with my city it is Barajas in Madrid. Xativa but is far from the airport at more of 400 kilometer of the Madrid. Why? what you want from me? I am poor. I can not help you. and that Russian agency of work or contacts, it makes me afraid. almost all of these agencies are of the Russian mafia. trick girls to come here. and then use them in brothels how a girls bitch. then you make attention with this agency. they, the mafia of russia from spain, stick beatings if they do not work well. Men also cheat foreigners to send money to Russia for a possible girl in love. everything is false. love that girl there in Russia. there are no a good job in Spain. is also false. what do you want from me?

> Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2011 00:08:18 -0600
> From: [email protected]
> To: saiti
> Subject: Kristina with hello
> Vicent as always I am here!!!!you should know that The agency here only helps me to get work visa and leave russia!and I can choice any city or town in your area.
> I don't want to live in Russia because I have not any chances here,it
> is hardly possible to explain but I want you to know my plans. I saw many stories in
> news on tv about girls who started a new life and decided to work abroad... I started to
> register my documents about 2 months ago, so I will travel soon and I
> will be allowed to work! You see I already started to register documents and now I need to decide in which city I want to work.
> when I am in moscow I will tell agency that I know the town I want to
> work.and if you are ready to meet me please tell me the name
> town you live and nearest inter airport name!it will be my destination!!!well,I will leave you for now I have to go,I have a lot of things today to finish!Kiss you !
> please forgive me if I missed some of your questions so many
> things to do!Kristina!!!

hello. I am a poor man. I'm single. I'm ugly. and I am old. I have the double years of you. youlooking another type of man. also, you're ambitious. and I do not believe in Russia. there are a lot of mafia. so I think you are dangerous. You are a fraud or scam. and I think you are one of the Russian mafia. but if you're not the mafia. I can not help you. you looking a young man, similar at yours years old, rich and handsome. that's not me. goodbye

> Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2011 23:48:20 -0600
> From: [email protected]
> To:saiti
> Subject: Hello again from Kristina
> Hello again,I have sent my letter to you but not sure you got it and
> I resend it again,please send a word if you want to reply!Kristina
> Hello,I think you are astonished to get my letter,I will try to
> explain,at first I live in russia .I am going to leave russia to work abroad
> I am dance girl and I will work in dance club .I like my work and I like to
> see that people get pleasure to look at me and my dances.
> they tell I am pretty lady I see that not too many girls look well
> enough and there are many reasons for it. you should know I worked a few years in modeling
> business and I care of my body and my face a lot and I want to get
> pretty life i think I deserve and I need to meet man who can care of me and be my beloved man!
> there are many men here they want to be my men but I want to leave russia and I prefer to meet foreign man
> I know they are more kind and more smart and just different ones,don't drink and don't rude.
> I don't smoke and i am social drinker,sometimes I like to have some
> red wine to relax and just to dream!I am 26 years old. I am sending photos I want you to
> see how I look like!my name is Kristina.and if you have the
> wish to meet me please send your photo and some info about you.and
> send your real name.

Hello,I think you are astonished to get my letter,I will try to
explain,at first I live in russia .I am going to leave russia to work abroad
I am dance girl and I will work in dance club .I like my work and I like to
see that people get pleasure to look at me and my dances.
they tell I am pretty lady I see that not too many girls look well
enough and there are many reasons for it. you should know I worked a few years in modeling
business and I care of my body and my face a lot and I want to get
pretty life i think I deserve and I need to meet man who can care of me and be my beloved man!
there are many men here they want to be my men but I want to leave russia and I prefer to meet foreign man
I know they are more kind and more smart and just different ones,don't drink and don't rude.
I don't smoke and i am social drinker,sometimes I like to have some
red wine to relax and just to dream!I am 26 years old. I am sending photos I want you to
see how I look like!my name is Kristina.and if you have the
wish to meet me please send your photo and some info about you.and
send your real name.



Imagen de Brixton
Visto por última vez: Hace 2 años 6 meses
se unió: 30/07/2010 - 20:22

No sabia que la Mafia Rusa, se aburre tanto. No seran mas bien Timadores?

Si es por aburrimiento, yo soy el capo di capis.

Imagen de Borja
Visto por última vez: Hace 10 años 1 mes
se unió: 25/05/2010 - 23:27

son timadores pero que trabajan para las agencias rusas de viajes y matrimoniales. casi todas pertenecientes a la mafia. entre ellos se pasan los nombres, los emails, las fotos. y como todos se ven que tributan al gran capo de capo. pues nada. a sacar dinero que es gratis. ellos pagaran una comision a la mafia y todos contentos, menos el sableado. allí en rusia se ve que esta practica no está perseguida. como en tailandia el sablazo al farang. tanto por parte de los comerciantes como con la sonrisa de una thai. o un control de la poli.

Imagen de Borja
Visto por última vez: Hace 10 años 1 mes
se unió: 25/05/2010 - 23:27

por eso yo no voy a rusia ni de coña, por muy buenas que esten. si alguna quiere algo que venga ella. pero con su dinero. cuando al poco te piden, segun te han caramelado, como con lo de los bufalos de la familia de la thai. ya se jodió la fantasia mental.

Imagen de EUFCB5
Visto por última vez: Hace 1 año 1 mes
se unió: 31/12/2010 - 20:37

bueno yo he estado en rusia y he conocido aqui en españa y no son gente de bromas no a la mas minima duda bang bang y listo son otro caracter de las thais desde luego y salir de noche por moscu o san petesburgo sin alguien local para mi no recomendable para nada y mucho menos si no hablas ruso claro

Imagen de EUFCB5
Visto por última vez: Hace 1 año 1 mes
se unió: 31/12/2010 - 20:37

saiti siempre te pasan cosas como a mi je jeyesbueno al menos has salido bien parado del asunto