Empiezan los controles a las empresas de motos acuáticas.

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Imagen de Herr Peter
Visto por última vez: Hace 1 año 7 meses
se unió: 21/03/2010 - 03:22
Empiezan los controles a las empresas de motos acuáticas.

El timo de las motos de agua se les ha ido de las manos por avariciosos. Las autoridades toman cartas en el asunto.

First weekly inspection of Pattaya and Jomtien Beach Jet Ski’s takes place



On Thursday afternoon the first of a series of random weekly checks on Jet Ski’s and their operators on Pattaya and Jomtien Beaches took place in an effort to stop the well publicized Jet Ski scams which have a huge negative impact on tourism in the area. A team of officials including Police Colonel Tamanoon, the Pattaya Police Chief, Khun Pongtasit, Chief Bailiff of Banglamung District along with Khun Adisorn, local adviser to the Ministry of Labor and officers from the Marine Department, conducted an inspection of the Jet Ski’s and operators located along Pattaya Beach. Apart from the vehicles themselves the Jet Ski operators were given details of newly enforced regulations which must be adhered to from now on which includes yearly checks for each Jet Ski before licenses to operate can be re-issued. For those that fail to comply with these regulations, strong penalties will be issued and they will not be permitted to run their business from the beach.

Fuente: Pattaya One

Imagen de sunrise
Visto por última vez: Hace 1 año 1 mes
se unió: 02/06/2012 - 15:22

Por fín se mete mano a estas mafias que hacen un daño terrible a los destinos turisticos, sé que le importa un carajo a las autoridades por el "untamiento", pero me produce mucha tristeza las victimas que caen por inocencia en estos fraudes, demasiado tiempo transcurrido para solucionar el tema, espero que no quede en nada.