Democracia en Asia en pleno sXXI

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Democracia en Asia en pleno sXXI

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"Freedom map of Asia in 2010

Asia has the lowest level of democratization. Below is a map of freedom level, where green indicates free (freedom index 1-2.5), yellow indicates partially free (freedom index 3-5), and purple means not free (index 5.5-7).

As we can see, most of the Asia is not free. This stretches from west Asia all the way to central Asia, eastward to China and North Korea. However, the east and south shore of Asia, most nations have become free or partially free. These include Japan, Taiwan, Indonesia, Philippines, India and Sri Lanka.

When will change happen to those non-free nations? As Yemen, Syria and Jordan undergo large protests and tremendous political change, we expect to see West Asia lead the way of democratization of Asia.
In 2010,  there were 18 electoral democracies in Africa. They are mostly in West Africa and South Africa.

In West Africa, there are 8 democratic nations: Mali, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ghana, Benin, Cape Verde and San Tome and Principe. In South Africa, there are 7 democratic nations: South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Lesotho, Zambia, Malawi and Tanzania. There are additional 3 island nations on the east of Africa that are democratic: Comoros, Mauritius and  Seychelles.
The development of democracies on different continents is uneven. Surprisingly, the continent with the highest ratio of democratic countries is South America, where only one country is non-democractic -- Venezuela. The next in line is Europe, where only 4 countries are non-democratic in 2010: Russia, Belarus, Kosovo and Georgia. Asia and Africa are ranked at the bottom. 
Table 1:The Ratio of Democratic Nations
Ratio of Democratic Nations
Electoral Democracies
Total number of nations
North America
South America
Data source:Freedom in the world 2011 by Freedom House 
In Asia, there are only 12 electoral democracies out of 46 countries. All the west Asian (Mideast) countries are non-democratic. and all Central Asian countries are non-democratic. In Southeast Asia, only 3 out of 11 countries are democratic. These three countries are: Indonesia, East Timor and Philippines. 
The ratio of democratic nations in Africa is a little higher than that of Asia, with 34% as electoral democracies in 2010. With South Sudan, Tunisia and possibly Egypt to join the family of democracies, we will see a higher ratio for Africa in 2011.

This suggests that the final battle for democracy will most likely happen in Asia, particularly in East Asia.  "
Democracias en el mundo :