▀▀▀▀▀▀**The Big Night Out Bangkok- Friday August 5th Meeting**▀▀▀▀▀▀
★★Due to the popularity of one hat that brought Katie along last Friday night I thought it would be awesome to have a crew wearing cool hats on Friday night! ★★
*7:00PM to 09:00pm
:::Lookie Lookie Bar::: A new venue to check out out in soi 33. It is mainly an Australian bar with a sort of gallery of pictures of thai ladies displaying on their walls along with a curios collection of smoking pipes. There is also a Pool table for those who like to play some of it.
They have a FREE barbecue on Fridays, and the prices are standard on beers and mixes.
How to get there:
12/4 Sukhumvit Soi 33, Bangkok Tel. 66 (2) 662 3108
Visit: http://www.lookielookiebar.com/map.htm for more info and map
*NOTE* This is only for those who would like to have some dinner along with some cheap beers. At 9 is when the action really starts.
*09:00pm to 12:00pm
::::Glow:::: Situated in Sukhumvit Soi 23 it’s a very similar set up to Titanium, with the difference that in here they have very nice DJ’s. This Friday they are making a party here called “ Freedom 7” which from the times 10 to 11pm they will have OPEN BAR!!!
They do have an entrance fee but im not sure if whether that applies at 9 or later .
For those who need a map:
Here info about the party: http://glowbkk.com/event/gert-jams-birthday-party/
*12:00pm to 3:00am
::::MIXX Discotheque:::: Yet another new venue to check out. I haven’t been able to contact them or have ever been there, but apparently it is doing really well. And we going there for those who would like to come to check it out what is all .the fuzz about. It must be similar to Narz since it possesses 3 different areas with different music set-ups.
How to get there:
Chitlom Station, 973 Phloen Chit road, Basement of Intercontinental Hotel, D Floor.
*3:00am to 6:00am
::::Wong’s Bar:::: Wong's Place dates back to the 1970's, when the nearby Malaysia Hotel was the center of backpacker culture in Bangkok. It is a small, simply decorated drinking spot with probably the biggest collection of music videos in town. Drinks are extremely cheap, and there is a wide selection, especially of beers, to choose from. This place is a tribute to music history. The atmosphere is laid back and cozy with a serve yourself policy that makes sure, nobody waits long for the next beer.
Directions: 27/3 Soi Sri Bumphen, Watthana 10110 ( or just say Sathorn Soi 1)
*6:00am till Sunrise or mid-day
::::Swing::: By then, I am not sure how many of you will stay still standing, but we are usually -at elast the past weeks have been- Only me and another member until high hours the next morning/afternoon. But that’s where we are going to go. Hope someone else can make it!
To all those new to The Big Night Out – Bangkok, please address yourself to the tallest dude in the group with glasses and big nose ( that’s me the organizer and founder) My name is Luis. If you aren’t sure who I am, have a look at my picture inhttp://www.facebook.com/ph
I hope to see you all this next Friday 5th of August, and if you have any queries don’t doubt to call me at 0818291196.
Yo ya me he apuntado.
@Juan que no se te olvide el gorro de Katie
a ve si yo encuentr algun lado donde vendan sombreros o sombrillas....
Design is the application of intent, the opposite of happenstance and an antidote to accident.
Mañana voy yo también. Supongo que a eso de las 7 estaré por el primer punto de encuentro. De momento no tengo sombreo, pero espero encontrar algo en Sukhumvit.
En sukhumvit entre asok y nana hay sobreros a 200 thb. Y no estan mal de el todo! Y nos vemos maniana Txarli!
Design is the application of intent, the opposite of happenstance and an antidote to accident.
Al final mi novia se viene conmigo.
@txarli, dile a tu novia que traiga a unas cuantas de sus amigas.
Genial pues, seremos unos cuantos esta notxe! @javi, ya tienes tu sombrero? o te vienes con las orejas de conejo?
Design is the application of intent, the opposite of happenstance and an antidote to accident.
Adjunto fotos de tres miembros de este foro (@LuisF, @txarli y @Javi0567 ) tomadas ayer para que todos los miembros de este foro y en especial su fundador y admin (@Juan) se sientan orgullosos al saber que pertenecen al mismo foro que nosotros tres.
Claro ejemplo de seriedad, responsabilidad y saber estar procedo a subir tan impresionantes documentos.
Los tres os damos a todos permiso para que digais a amigos y familiares que sois amigos nuestros.
JAJAJA. Total.
@Javi Hoy he estado hablando con una bilbaína, y le he comentado el hecho de que no se folla en Bilbao. Ha intentado matizarlo, pero al final resulta que sí. Sí, que no se folla entre bilbainos, y con los de fuera, según.
Vascas hay de todo, muy feas y extremadamente guapas, eso si, todas coinciden en una cosa, que no follan !!!!
@Juan, los vascos nacemos cuando queremos.
No exactamente hermafroditas, tenemos solo un sexo, basicamente pertenecemos a lo que se llama "Generacion espontanea"
¿Un solo sexo es sexo una vez en la vida'