Donde No ir en Soi Cowboy

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He leido este post en otro foro (bangkok addicts)  y me ha parecido interesante reproducirlo aquí para todos aquellos que quieran venturarse por este Soi `por primera vez o bien no conozcan todos sus bares.  



Posted 08 October 2011 - 08:57 AM

Kiss is one of the Arab's bars. (Yes, I know he's Iranian but his nickname is "the Arab.") His bars on Soi Cowboy are usually bad news and some are really BAD news. Dean Barrett has warned about them here. The bars are Kiss, Sahara, Spice Girls, Deja Vu, Midnight and Rio. The Arab has recently acquired Rawhide but I don't know how much he has changed it.

Stickman has also written about the Arab's operations. But I have a hard time putting myself behind recommendations to boycott a business if I haven't had personal experience with it. So in July I went into Kiss on Soi Cowboy expecting a bad situation and that's what I got.

A San Miguel Light cost 180 baht, which is the most I can recall ever paying for a bottled beer in any go go or coyotee bar in LOS. From the second I stepped in, there was extreme pressure to buy LDs, which went at a whopping 270 baht. Since I knew this would happen, I simply steeled myself and said "no" to the steady stream of dancers that asked for drinks.

Far worse were the two old hag mama-sans who also demanded (they didn't just ask, they demanded) drinks. I swear one minute didn't go by without someone asking or telling me to buy drinks.

At Kiss, there were two groups of dancers: coyotees and ordinary dancers, distinguished by different costumes. Apparently the dancers (at least some of them) can be barfined, the coyotees can't. The dancers (in bikinis) didn't look better or worse than the line-up in any other bar on Cowboy or Nana or in Pattaya, but the coyotee line-up did indeed have a couple of beautiful girls. One of them started playing to me personally. That wasn't hard to do, since there was a total of three customers in the bar at the time. 

The young lady danced very well and had a seductive come-one from the stage. In any other bar, that would have been enough for me to buy her a drink. I know she's acting - that's her job - but she was acting well enough to get a drink. However, I didn't want to put one extra baht in the pocket of the Arab, so I called "chek bin." One of the mama-sans immediately began berating me with, "Why you no buy lady drink?," but I kept my cool and just smiled. No point in arguing with her and I was out only 180 baht (I didn't leave a tip).

However, I thought the coyotee dancer deserved some reward, at least a token in recognition of her sexy demeanor, so I tossed her a miniature teddy bear as I walked out. That's when an already bad situation took a turn for the worse. The two old hags demanded I also give them bears. I was tempted to answer, "I wouldn't give you the sweat off my balls if you were dying of thirst," but again I smiled and just said I didn't have any more (which was true). 

This final encounter with the wicked witch of Soi Cowboy took place while I was walking out of Kiss and I kept moving the whole time. But just outside of Kiss, the mama-san blocked my forward progress. Immediately the door staff closed ranks behind her. She demanded very forcibly that I give her something. Push had come to shove, at least verbally.

I knew I couldn't get past the mama-san and the slightest sign of aggression would have been met with a beat-down from the bouncers. I maintained my smile and answered that I nothing to give her. She didn't step aside and I wondered how long she intended to hold me hostage. Some intensive conversation took place between the bouncers and the mama-san and I imagined they were asking her what I had done and if I should get a clobbering. Perhaps they thought a stalemate just outside the entrance was a pretty silly situation.

I then decided to get creative. A group of farang were passing by in the middle of the soi. I waved and called out to them, "Wait for me, I'll be with you in a second." They didn't know me from Adam, but they responded to the shout-out and wave by stopping. The mama-san and door staff turned to see what was happening and at that point, I slipped past them into the soi. I was praying to all gods known and unknown that I wouldn't get a punch to the back of my head. Even as I moved into the flow of the pedestrian traffic, I half expected to hear running feet behind me.

But nothing happened. The friendly but startled farangs to which I had called didn't speak much English and were even more confused when I told them, "Sorry, I mistook you for a cavalry detachment." I was very lucky they passed by at just that second.

So if you're considering a visit to one of the Arab's bars, remember you're not in Kansas anymore, Toto. A house isn't going to drop on one of the Arab's wicked witches and I doubt even a bucket of carbolic acid would have an effect on their reptile hides.

Bottom line: avoid the Arab's bars. Nothing good can happen in them.

Imagen de Kensen
Visto por última vez: Hace 7 años 3 meses
se unió: 18/08/2010 - 12:19

Cuidadin... los que conocen la noche en BKK, seguro que conocen cientos de anecdotas de locales "peligrosos"...

Visto por última vez: Hace 9 años 5 días
se unió: 01/02/2011 - 16:39

siempre nos quedara Bacarra. Que no esta mal y aunque las chiquillas sean un poco repetitivas no dan la brasa y la musica no esta mal del todo.

Design is the application of intent, the opposite of happenstance and an antidote to accident.

Imagen de bluekindo
Visto por última vez: Hace 11 años 3 meses
se unió: 13/10/2010 - 19:32

Bellas señoritas aparte, es cierto que el sonido y la música de Baccarra es bueno, al menos para mí gusto. Es el único Agogo que conozco que cuidan un poco este punto

Visto por última vez: Hace 10 años 1 semana
se unió: 09/08/2011 - 10:31

Bottom line: avoid the Arab's bars. Nothing good can happen in them.

Están invadiendo Sukhumvit desde hace años y ese es el verdadero problema.

Mientras les ponen los velos a sus hijas y las obligan a bañarse en las piscinas del hotel vestidas, ellos se van de putas. Un aplauso a Alá.




Imagen de Herr Peter
Visto por última vez: Hace 1 año 6 meses
se unió: 21/03/2010 - 03:22

El Barraca, el Barraca, ese sí que está bien, y además nos dejan darle a la nicotina.

Imagen de Pii Jay
Visto por última vez: Hace 9 años 7 meses
se unió: 16/01/2011 - 11:32

Sigo opinando que el mejor bar de Soi Cowboy es el Country Road. Precios asequibles, buena musica en directo, mujeres simpaticas y buen rollo siempre.

Si te gusta fumar a partir de las 00:00 te dejan hacerlo en el interior, y hasta entonces cada vez que quieras nicotina, sales a las mesas de afuera y entablas "entraniable" conversacion con alguna camarera o "responsable" intercambio de informacion con algun farang que esta en tu misma situacion fumando.

Visto por última vez: Hace 7 años 2 meses
se unió: 03/04/2011 - 18:53

javi0567 si ese Country Road es donde te deje aquel vino tinto que guardastes alli mismo, permiteme discrepar, lo veo bien para gente como tu que ya viven alli, pero no para expontaneos, a mi la verdad, no me gusto mucho. 

En cuanto a la musica, la verdad, estuve mas pendiente de otras cosas.....

Imagen de Herr Peter
Visto por última vez: Hace 1 año 6 meses
se unió: 21/03/2010 - 03:22

Sin duda, los lugares que aprecian los turistas y los residentes, no suelen coincidir, al igual que sucede en España. Pero tranquilo, yo tampoco soy fan del Country road, básicamente por el ruido (dicen que es música).

Visto por última vez: Hace 10 años 1 semana
se unió: 09/08/2011 - 10:31

Para los turistas que van a soi cowboy a lo que hay que ir, que para eso esta, recomendarles que se aprendan la diferencia entre coyote bar ( no bar fine) y gogo girl.

Los coyotes bars ponen a princesitas de infarto en la puerta para que entres y consumas. Luego ni puto caso dentro y solo bailan.

Esto cambia muy rapido pero en 2013 me parecio carisimo y con poco nivel ademas de saturado de gente. Fui una vez y no pienso volver a menos que no vaya a lo que hay que ir.

Yo por mi parte me voy a nana, rainbow 4 cantidad, rainbow 3 princesitas, y por supuesto a pattaya donde todo es mas barato

Visto por última vez: Hace 10 años 1 semana
se unió: 09/08/2011 - 10:31

¿como saber si es coyote sin preguntar?

llevan numero las chicas?


Escapa, es un timo para japoneses.

Imagen de malandro
Visto por última vez: Hace 4 años 9 meses
se unió: 14/05/2014 - 18:57

Joder!!! Es imposible procesar tanta información útil en una sola vida!!!  Ni con libreta de apuntes.... Dios!!! necesito otro cerebro para absorber todo esto!

Visto por última vez: Hace 10 años 1 semana
se unió: 09/08/2011 - 10:31

Bacarra = Baccara?

Nunca había oido uno que se llamara Bacarra, suena muy macarra.

Pues si es el Baccara pasen y vean.

Fin de semana no te puedes ni sentar porque está a reventar, agobiante. La cerveza se paga antes de entrar y váyanse preparando para el susto de 3.000 short time y 5.000 long time. Hay clientes de sobra y encima japoneses, tonterías las mínimas y no me toques el culo, paga y calla.

Eso es el Baccara, y tiene esos precios porque en teoría las chicas son "más guapas".

Tonterías, eso no es algo que escasee en bangkok.

En definitiva es sólo apto para ir con amigos a pasar un rato sin apretones. El que vaya a lo que hay que ir a esos sitios, pq para lo otro tb hay sitios mejores, le recomiendo que se coja un taxi y se vuelva a Nana.

En Rainbow 3 hay unas princesas de escándalo (y digo el 3, no el 4), LOL.

Visto por última vez: Hace 10 años 1 semana
se unió: 09/08/2011 - 10:31

Y el Country Road con todos mis respetos al que le guste es un antro.

Pero es que encima son feas y pesadas.

Puff, fui una vez y nunca más. 

Imagen de manuelf
Visto por última vez: Hace 9 años 1 semana
se unió: 25/11/2012 - 14:48

Me gusta el Country Road para tomarme una cerveza, quizás por eso, porque es un antro como dice Titus. Creo recordar que de diez a dos había música en directo. El primer grupo musical la vocalista lo hacia de pena, el segundo grupo es pasable; si no te gusta la música no hay problema, nunca falta algún turista con unas copas de mas montando un show en la pista o en el escenario jeje. ¿Las chicas? normalitas. ¿La Heineken? 160 bath.

@ Titus, si no conoces Black Padoga en Papong te lo recomiendo, creo que a ti te gustara. Y si las chicas te dan un apretón no te preocupes, short time en el propio local entre sabanas de satén al lado de las mesas de billar ;)