Que piensan los thais de los farangs ?

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Visto por última vez: Hace 11 años 2 meses
se unió: 30/06/2012 - 00:40
Que piensan los thais de los farangs ?

Este es un relato hecho de anecdotas reales a traves del personaje de ficcion Somchai, extraido de la pagina web del Sr. Stickmann.Leerlo de principio a fin,no tiene desperdicio.

"What Thais Think Of Us

NB: all anecdotes in this text are genuine, I simply created a fictive Mr Somchai and filled one of his fictive day with them

My name Somchai, I m THAI MAN, I no work my girlfriend me she work bar go with stoopid farang.
One farang him like her too mut, he give her big money say him want take care her (him stoopid)
I think all farang should go home NOW, my friend say if no farang my girlfriend me make no money (him stoopid, him tink too mut same farang!)

Today morning 6am i go temple because my friend me go temple same same and win lottery, so me my friends we all go! Chok dee mak mak!

My girlfriend me she no go, she say she tired come back from bar 4am (she stoopid same same buffalo and skin very dark but have big milk so farang like her too mut, they stoopid!), she give me money for tamboon 500 baht for she...i tamboon 20 baht and keep the money, Buddha no need money need flower and gold leaf...i need money for buy lottery ticket and THAI wiskhy

Before go temple i go give food for monk, one farang him want do same, seller make him pay 50 baht, me pay 20 baht, som nam na farang...why you want do same THAI PEOPLE? Him speak Thai little bit and ask for vegetarian food for monk...seller say no have, give him fish. Him give to monk, monk look him, no sing a song for him for good luck, and ask him for tip...he say no, no tip BAD BAD FARANG! Why him no pay money for monk?

Me my freind we take tuk tuk to go Temple, 8 people, sanook mak mak! Pay 40 baht, we see some farang go same temple, tuk tuk make them pay 200 baht, GOOD (they stoopid!) My friend he say HELLO KEE NOK to farang...they smile say sawasdee kap....THEY SO STOOPID!!!!

At Temple same farang want go in but monks say have to pay money 20 baht for one farang, farang say he not go take photo, go for "meditation" and make merit...monks make them pay (GOOD MONK!)

After they pay monk tell them can not go inside temple because have open shoes, make them pay 50 baht rent closed shoes (old dirty shoe, look no good, vely funny on farang lady! sanook mak mak, me like ME LIKE TOO MUT) and after 2mn make them remove shoe to go inside temple, but tell them not put shoe with shoe THAI PEOPLE, make them put their shoes under shoes of THAI PEOPLE (what they tink? They are farang, not real THAI PEOPLE)

Inside farang man ask questions to monk, him ting tong want to know something him no understand...monk no want explain because farang too stupid to understand, all farang ting tong (me tink monk this temple VELY GOOD!), after farang ask if have something written in english, monk show him box written DONATION BOX....me think VELY VELY FUNNY....farang not give money BAD BAD FARANG (i tink he should go home NOW if he no want give money to THAI PEOPLE)

Me take many photo, ME with BUDDHA THAI, ME in Temple, ME with monk, ME buying lottery ticket




I give candle and flower for Thai Buddha, put gold very hight on his head for good luck

Go out, buy many lottery tickets and free some birds (one bird is dead...him stoopid bird!)

My friend me tell me this temple have one phra farang, i want see....

We go, him look no good no same Thai, me no understand how he can be monk...he not THAI PEOPLE he just farang (and stoopid) so not same THAI PEOPLE and BUDDHA THAI....

I go home, eat, sleep, then my friend want go shopping mall, my girlfriend me she want go to...no good..i tell her can not because i no want..She stay home...GOOD

Emporium have big party with animals, BIG LIGHT, BIG MUSIC, BIG PLASTIC, BIG WATER BIG EVERYTHING

Have many fiss and flog and tutles...all very big in small tank, all free to look look....even farang no pay (why? me think farang have to pay money ALLWAY! farang no pay, NO GOOD!)

Farang want read sign but all sign in Thai (him stoopid), me i no like read, i like BANG BANG on tanks, make stoopid fiss scared (i m scared me because i m THAI MAN, very strong toooo mut!), then i take photo ME with fiss, ME with flog, ME with tuttle, ME with hostess, ME in shopping mall


Have one place can touch fiss, i do, take one out water him move me no can look....me ANGRY no can look, me want look, me squeeze him, him no move him die (teach him to be stoopid fiss and not do what THAI MAN want....what THAI MAN want him ALLWAY can have!!!) one farang see me squeeze fiss, him tell me no good....FARANG BAAAAH
Me my friends me we call him bad names, him can speak Thai so we speak Issan....him no understand Issan HIM STOOPID, me punch him little and go...

6PM have music MY KING, make me so proud i m THAI PEOPLE, and one BAD FARANG (no have good farang anyway!) he not stop what him do!!!

Me my friend we tell him YOU YOU but him no understand, so we throw water at him, he get angry (stoopid farang na?) so when music finish we beat him...THAI PEOPLE FIGHT WITH THAI PEOPLE, him only one we 10...we very strong we are THAI MAN can never loose!!!!We break him nose and kick him little then we run (run VERY FAST we are THAI MAN so very big power!!!)

Go home, want fuck my girlfriend, she say no pussy hurt because farang last night take viagra and fuck too mut...
I m ANGRY, i m THAI MAN i can do all i want...i m hit her little bit and she say ok can do....she stoopid!
Fuck her, she no good, hit her again then she go work (she stoopid!)

Tonight i have money, so i go drink lao khao at karaoke with my friend me, have one lady look very nice very young, she no ask for condom, GOOD ME LIKE

I think my girlfriend me she no good, she go with farang she stoopid...she 25 she old too mut, soon i tink i get new girlfriend

VERY GOOD me tink tommorow go temple make merit with BUDDHA THAI one more, CHOK DEE MAK MAK
ME LIKE!!!!!"

Fuente : http://www.stickmanbangkok.com/ReadersSubmissions2010/reader6340.htm

Imagen de Pii Jay
Visto por última vez: Hace 9 años 8 meses
se unió: 16/01/2011 - 11:32

Pero le toco la loteria o no? 

Imagen de gollum5
Visto por última vez: Hace 6 años 9 meses
se unió: 10/08/2010 - 18:43

El único consuelo que nos queda es que cuando se tire a su novia después de que esta haya estado con un farang, no va a rozar ni las paredes. Que se joda.

Imagen de Herr Peter
Visto por última vez: Hace 1 año 7 meses
se unió: 21/03/2010 - 03:22

Para que un taxista thai se atreva a decir que alguien es un poco tonto, me imagino los elementos para comparar que ha tenido.

Imagen de gollum5
Visto por última vez: Hace 6 años 9 meses
se unió: 10/08/2010 - 18:43

yo creo que no sólo los taxistas, sino que cualquier hombre Tai debe pensar que los farangs somos gilipollas. Vamos allí de vacaciones, pagamos sobreprecios sin rechistar, nos enamoramos de mujeres que nos sacan pasta con patrañas infantiles y que generalmente conocemos en bares de go-gos, juramos amor eterno a tias con las que un Tai no se casaría en la vida, le damos pasta a su familia, e incluso al novio oficial tailandés de la susodicha....... Sí, la verdad es que cualquier hombre Tai normal tiene argumentos de sobra para pensar que a los farangs nos patina el cerebro.

Imagen de Herr Peter
Visto por última vez: Hace 1 año 7 meses
se unió: 21/03/2010 - 03:22
Visto como lo plantea Gollum, sin duda, los farangs pueden ser considerados imbéciles y en cantidades industriales. Seguro que todos en este foro conocemos a alguno que se ha casado con una puta que si se llamara Mari Pili y fuera de Badajoz, no la tocaría ni con un palo.

Imagen de Jow
Visto por última vez: Hace 5 años 8 meses
se unió: 28/08/2012 - 15:23

Tambien hay otras por las que piensan que somos tontos... como nosotros pensamos que los tontos ellos.

Por  ejemplo estar tumbado al sol durante 5 horas seguidas...si vieran que hay tontos que pagan por una sesion de uva, se partirian el culo... mas que yo.

Imagen de Herr Peter
Visto por última vez: Hace 1 año 7 meses
se unió: 21/03/2010 - 03:22
Nunca diré de una persona que consigue que otra le pague todo a ella y a su entorno, que es tonta. En todo caso, lista a corto plazo.

Imagen de FortyLicks
Visto por última vez: Hace 8 años 3 meses
se unió: 13/03/2011 - 10:41

Fuera aparte de las mediciones, fiestas, taxistas y demás, yo lo que veo claro es que la clase dominante nos tiene miedo, sino de qué o para qué tanto proteccionismo?, por qué el thai que es bueno en lo suyo se va a currar a Singapur, Hong Kong, Europa o América?. Según mi punto de vista, a nivel general, no son competitivos, utilizan el artículo 33 cuando se les acaban los argumentos...

Bah... debate a la vista...

"Algunas de las noches más salvajes que supuestamente he vivido me las creo sólo porque hay pruebas que corroboran que efectivamente ocurrieron..."

Imagen de Herr Peter
Visto por última vez: Hace 1 año 7 meses
se unió: 21/03/2010 - 03:22
Por eso le tienen tanto miedo al 2015, se les acaba el chollo del proteccionismo. Son muy conscientes de sus limitaciones, y hasta ahora habían podido ir trampeando con estas leyes que no dejaban hacer nada al extranjero.

Imagen de Jow
Visto por última vez: Hace 5 años 8 meses
se unió: 28/08/2012 - 15:23

lo que no quieren es repartir el botin...  estan muy bien  como estan (las clases altas)

Imagen de FortyLicks
Visto por última vez: Hace 8 años 3 meses
se unió: 13/03/2011 - 10:41

Evidentemente, todo lo que sea una mejora para el pueblo será joderlos a ellos, así que el lema es y será "Virgencita visgencita que no se mueva ni el aire..."

Cuando hablo de mejora, no sólo me refiero a la económica, también y sobre todo a la educación.

"Algunas de las noches más salvajes que supuestamente he vivido me las creo sólo porque hay pruebas que corroboran que efectivamente ocurrieron..."

Imagen de gollum5
Visto por última vez: Hace 6 años 9 meses
se unió: 10/08/2010 - 18:43

Peter, que quieres decir  con que en el 2015 se les acaba el chollo del prteccionismo? ¿qué va a pasar?

Imagen de FortyLicks
Visto por última vez: Hace 8 años 3 meses
se unió: 13/03/2011 - 10:41

ASEAN, fronteras abiertas para los ciudadanos de los paises miembros.

"Algunas de las noches más salvajes que supuestamente he vivido me las creo sólo porque hay pruebas que corroboran que efectivamente ocurrieron..."

Imagen de FortyLicks
Visto por última vez: Hace 8 años 3 meses
se unió: 13/03/2011 - 10:41

"Algunas de las noches más salvajes que supuestamente he vivido me las creo sólo porque hay pruebas que corroboran que efectivamente ocurrieron..."

Imagen de Davidsm
Visto por última vez: Hace 7 años 2 semanas
se unió: 16/08/2012 - 19:30

Será solo libre transito , no creo que un camboyano pueda abrir un negocio en Tailandia 100% capital propio  o viceversa , esto es una copia barata de la Union Europea  , tampoco creo que tenga la libre permiso de trabajo  por la Asean  , creo que les quedará mucho camino.

Imagen de gollum5
Visto por última vez: Hace 6 años 9 meses
se unió: 10/08/2010 - 18:43

Gracias por el link Fortylicks...

 Me pasa como a Davidsm....yo tampoco lo veo muy claro....

Imagen de Herr Peter
Visto por última vez: Hace 1 año 7 meses
se unió: 21/03/2010 - 03:22
Pues los thais sí lo ven claro, por eso se han puesto a estudiar inglés como locos.

Imagen de FortyLicks
Visto por última vez: Hace 8 años 3 meses
se unió: 13/03/2011 - 10:41

Estoy contigo Peter, y no solo a estudiar inglés, sino también a cerrar acuerdos con la CEE y empresas o marcas europeas para tener la exclusividad en la distribución para el ASEAN.

"Algunas de las noches más salvajes que supuestamente he vivido me las creo sólo porque hay pruebas que corroboran que efectivamente ocurrieron..."

Imagen de Jow
Visto por última vez: Hace 5 años 8 meses
se unió: 28/08/2012 - 15:23

Ni hay moneda unica, y Tailandia esta en contra de libre movimiento de trabajadores....

y las thais se ponen a estudiar ingles con el fin exclusivo de cazar a un farang.

Imagen de Jow
Visto por última vez: Hace 5 años 8 meses
se unió: 28/08/2012 - 15:23

Van a seguir siendo igual de proteccionistas, no cambiara nada...solo es un nuevo tratado de libre comercio entre paises miembros.   Por ejemplo, el vino que venga de la Comunidad Economica Europea seguira siendo igual de caro.

El sistema capitalista esta muerto. 

Visto por última vez: Hace 4 años 10 meses
se unió: 12/04/2010 - 22:02

Hola a todos, calurosos y afectivos saludos.

¡Que los thais piensan que los farang somos gilipollas! Seguramente y hasta es posible que tengan razón y lo seamos. Por la misma razón, los farangs podemos pensar que ellos son, puteros, borrachos, cobardes, maltratadores, jugadores, miserables e ignorantes, además de todo eso la tienen pequeña. ¡No se, prefiero ser gilipollas!!!


Imagen de Jow
Visto por última vez: Hace 5 años 8 meses
se unió: 28/08/2012 - 15:23

Entre ser gilipollas  o putero, borracho  y jugador...prefiero lo segundo.   Me gusta el vino, las mujeres y el juego, tengo alma de marinero.

Visto por última vez: Hace 10 años 1 mes
se unió: 09/08/2011 - 10:31

Yo pienso que los thais nos miran con impotencia y resignacion. Its all about money. Simple.

Entre un pais gilipollas y otro donde tu hija de 17 mama pollas a señores de 65 prefiero lo primero, y lo siento por ellos pq no creo que uno nunca se acostumbre a eso.

Visto por última vez: Hace 10 años 1 mes
se unió: 09/08/2011 - 10:31

Doy fe del post #32, y me apunto, lol.

Visto por última vez: Hace 10 años 1 mes
se unió: 09/08/2011 - 10:31

Voy a aclarar mi post #33 para que no genere confusion. Eso es lo que le responderia al pobre hombre ignorante thai protagonista de la noticia del hilo, sin entrar en generalidades sobre tailandia.

El debate sobre el dinero en tailandia es estrella y me produce sopor, comprendo que un thai me considere un gilipollas por pagar 1000 baths de mas en cualquier cosa, pero yo me voy de vacaciones a tailandia y me limpio el culo con billetes de 1000 baths, que para eso trabajo, ostias, y la vida son dos dias.


Visto por última vez: Hace 1 año 6 meses
se unió: 08/11/2011 - 05:01

Ashamed to be a Thai Citizen


ASHAMED TO BE A THAI CITIZEN  – This article was written by Fon, a Thai national living in Chiang Rai, a northern province in Thailand.  Fon’s name and certain details have been changed in order to protect her identity.  Meebal.com has edited Fon’s story in order to provide clarity and all such editorial amendments have been approved by Fon.

Once again the Thai Government and authorities are threatening a crackdown on foreign owned businesses. This could result in thousands of foreigners losing everything they own and being deported.

Fon’s Story…

I am ashamed to be a Thai citizen.  I am reasonably well educated but come from a very poor background.  Both my parents have long passed away after years of scraping a living on their small farm.

I understand that all countries have their own unique set of problems but I often take to reading English news websites, such as meebal.com and ThiaVisa.com, so that I might try to learn and understand how a foreigner thinks and even what their aspirations are when living in Thailand.

12 years ago I met my husband, a German nation who is 10 years my senior. We have two beautiful children and I have learned through him that marriage is not simply about the man taking care of the woman but rather a marriage is about working together; in other words we take care of each other.

I’ve read so many horror stories about how foreigners are treated in Thailand and it saddens me deeply and often makes me totally ashamed to be Thai.

One of the first things I learned from my husband was not to refer to him as a ‘Farang’.  He is German and he advised me that I try to learn sufficient about an individual so that I can determine where they come from and therefore refer to them by their nationality.  It is, in my eyes, far more respectful and if the Thai people want more respect from foreigners then they should learn that respect is a two way street.

It often saddens me that many foreigners view all Thai women as bar girls.  Yes, Thailand does have a very bad reputation for being a country whereby sex can be brought easily but that doesn’t mean all Thai girls will readily sleep with a foreign man for money.

I have little or no time for the Thai Government, they are all crooks and anyone believing they are there to help the people are simply delusional.  The Thai Government does nothing more than sweep important issues under the carpet; issues that affect both Thai citizens and foreign nationals residing here.

Thais are often perceived as xenophobic, nationalist, greedy and corrupt and this is yet another reason why I am often so ashamed of my heritage. We seem unwilling to put aside for one moment personal gain and look to the greater good and what Thailand could really achieve on the world stage if only we could look beyond our own greed.

I read the article yesterday on meebal.com regarding foreign nationals being robbed of their property by Thai wives.  It is a common thing and far more wide spread than many actually know; even foreigners who have been living in Thailand for many years are not fully aware of just how rife this element of theft is and yet the Thai people and Thai Government think it’s perfectly acceptable.


Foreigners Being Financially Ruined by Thai Wives

As a Thai person I worry that the future of Thailand is likely to be bleak; there is little chance of us being able to compete on an international level once we join the Asian Economic Community (AEC) due to the uncontrollable amount of corruption.

The Government continuously tells us they are tackling corruption but the truth is they are all raping Thailand for their own personal gain; you only have to look at the affairs of Government contracts to understand just how crooked Thai officials are.

I am tired of being ashamed of being Thai.  My husband supports me by telling me that all developing democracies go through growing pains but the abuse needs to stop.

We must learn to respect foreign nationals and in turn we should expect their respect of us. We are after all just human beings that are simply looking for quality of life.

We need to change the laws so that my husband and all foreign husbands of all Thai women are not subjected to the annual appraisal of their worth in order to stay in Thailand.  Yes people should be able to support themselves but there are also many Thai women who work hard to support their foreign husbands in times of hardship – again a marriage is about a partnership.

As for land and property ownership the only reason I see why the laws cannot be changed is to allow the ongoing process of stripping foreign nationals of their assets.  It is nothing short of open theft and something every Thai national should be thoroughly ashamed of.

The argument for not allowing foreign nationals to own property is weak in that Thais don’t want foreigner to take their land. The truth is they are not taking it anywhere and indeed their very involvement in purchasing land helps to make Thailand more valuable.

We must find common ground so that Thai nationals are not squeezed out due to rising land prices that have become evident in certain parts of the country; most notably the tourist areas such as Phuket, Krabi and Pattaya.

I know, as a Thai, that Thais often look upon foreigners as being rich but also second class citizens; this is another attitude the Thai people must change.  Just because someone is rich does not give others the right to think it is acceptable to fleece them.

I am ashamed to be Thai for these reasons and others but I do love my country and hope that one day we will have a better understanding of the world and those in it and through this bring about change that will allow both Thais and foreigners to live together whereby respect is mutual and upheld.

For all those who have been robbed or duped by a Thai woman I can only apologise but also say that not all Thai women are the same; I certainly wouldn’t dream of taking anything from the man that I love in a deceitful way.

Meebal.com says…

Thank you Fon for your words and we are sure that many foreign nationals living in Thailand are more than happy to be there and certainly don’t tar everyone with the same brush.

We are all people of this very small planet but with our varying cultures we must learn to respect one another, as you so poignantly point out.
