Encuentran a un turista ahorcado en Pattaya

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Imagen de Herr Peter
Visto por última vez: Hace 1 año 4 meses
se unió: 21/03/2010 - 03:22
Encuentran a un turista ahorcado en Pattaya

Y todavía quedan unos días para acabar el año. ¿Cómo van esas estadísticas, Manolete?

Russian Tourist found hanging by his bootlaces in Thai resort

By Staff Reporter | December 27, 2012


Pattaya: A Russian tourist hung himself from a low level closet door over the Christmas period

At 12.00 pm on Thursday , Col Kriang-krai Buakla, followed up on a call to the authorities to report the strange death and headed out to room 415 on the 4th floor of the Dragon Beach Hotel Resort .   There they found 55 year old Mr. Alexandre Ivanov who appears to have hung himself with his own shoelaces in the bathroom of his rented accommodation.

Inspecting the rooms, Police found that all his possessions were still there and there were no injuries to his body other than the neck lacerations that caused his death.    Police will be concerned, however, that the passport found was an old one which is out of date and are said to be keen to locate his current one.

From statements taken locally by investigating officers, and an interview with 33 year old Miss Urai Paokaeng, Police have established that Mr.Alexandre checked in at the hotel on the 25th December with his wife.

On the same day he was seen to be drunk and physically abusive toward his wife.    Again on the 26th he fought with her,   and she packed her bags and left him.

On Thursday at 9.00 am. Miss Urai, a hotel employee,  knocked on the door to clean the room but no one answered so she then called the mechanic from the hotel who gained access to his room from the neighbor balcony.

A full post mortem will be undertaken to confirm the cause of death and the Russian travel agency and Embassy have been informed

Further photographs are being withheld on this site out of respect to the family, however it is very clear that he was found hanging fro his bootlaces in a kneeling position on the floor of the apartment

Fuente: Pattaya103.com

Imagen de Herr Peter
Visto por última vez: Hace 1 año 4 meses
se unió: 21/03/2010 - 03:22
Al tema Manolete, al tema, que te nos pierdes. La primera semana de enero quiero una comparativa, con gráficas y todo, entre España y Tailandia.

Imagen de Pii Jay
Visto por última vez: Hace 9 años 6 meses
se unió: 16/01/2011 - 11:32

@Manolete, el copy & paste de noticias en otro idioma, que no sea el nuestro,  esta permitido.  El 95% de la informacion que se publica en prensa acerca de este pais, se hace en un idioma que no es el español, y por tanto, no es necesario que quien postee una noticia tenga que traducirla, si algun forero,  no entiende lo que la noticia comenta, con mucho gusto se le traducira o se le hara un resumen de lo posteado.

-Principio de funcionalidad.

Imagen de Herr Peter
Visto por última vez: Hace 1 año 4 meses
se unió: 21/03/2010 - 03:22

Que sí, Manolete, que sí, que te hemos comprendido. Venga, vete a dar una vuelta y luego vuelves.