Men at Bar Sort out All Problems in the World

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Imagen de Pii Jay
Visto por última vez: Hace 9 años 8 meses
se unió: 16/01/2011 - 11:32
Men at Bar Sort out All Problems in the World

Un poco de humor para compensar tanta mala noticia. smiley

A group of men at a bar on Phuket had found solutions to all of the problems, the world is facing. However a collective loss of memory for all members of the group has left the world in despair.


The text message  received this morning, stated that the group consisting of six different nationalities had found the solution all the problems in the world. The men found the solutions while sharing a couple of beers at their local bar in Kata Beach.

The message was apparently send to all top politicians around the world as well, but was the first news site to locate the leader of the group.

Congratulations, you must be really proud of yourself?

- What? Shit! Oh what have I done now? Me proud? I don’t know, but I have a headache, says the leader, Mr. @boscoallende

Yeah, a headache is understandable as you have used all night figuring out solutions to all the world problems. Can you share some of the thoughts from last night?

- I really can’t remember much. I mean, I remember @Javi0567 mooning the strip joint on the other side of the street. That was really funny, says Mr. @boscoallende and laughs.

After a couple of more questions – and telephone calls to the other members of the group – the conclusion is that the entire group suffers from a collective memory loss, but the world is not left without hope.

- Cheer up mate. I will call you next time, we get a bright idea, promises @Issanweb, before leaves him to rest.

World leaders in despair
The news that a solution to all the world problems haven’t been found after all has left the political world in despair. The American President, Mr. Barack Obama has already showed his sympathy for the six geniuses in a press release in which he wishes them all well. In Thailand the Minister for Disasters and other bad things have spoken briefly to

- Oh, come on. Don’t I ever get lucky? I have had this job for the last ten years and the news this morning was the first positive news I have ever had. I am so tired of only hearing bad things. I want to me the minister of joy and happiness, Says Mr. P. Rozak, Thai Minister of Disasters and other bad things to, before heading back to bed.

In order to make sure that no further conversations between the six bright heads will be lost, the Thai Bureau of Listening In will be recording all conversations in and around Kata Beach for the next year.

Note: That group of men was composed by: @boscoallende, @Herr Peter, @Fortylicks, @Javi0567, @isanweb and @LuisF


Imagen de Borja
Visto por última vez: Hace 10 años 1 mes
se unió: 25/05/2010 - 23:27

esto de que vá? que significa? me he perdido entre tantos post que no leo? esto es de algun troll? lo he traducido con el google, pero no le encuentro ninguna risa ni gracia ni sentido. javi podrias explicar de que va esto

Imagen de Pii Jay
Visto por última vez: Hace 9 años 8 meses
se unió: 16/01/2011 - 11:32

@saiti, traducir ese texto con google poco sentido sacaras.

Es simplemente una noticia inventada en una web de humor (una web del tipo  pero en vez de hablar de Espania habla de Tailandia) en el que algunos foreros somos protagonistas.

La noticia dice que 6 foreros resolvieron los problemas del mundo una noche bebiendo cervezas en un bar de Phuket...  Lo lei y he hecho un copia y pega cambiando los nombres y poniendo los nuestros.


Imagen de Borja
Visto por última vez: Hace 10 años 1 mes
se unió: 25/05/2010 - 23:27

gracias. ya me habia percatado con la traduccion google de ello. pero lo que me ha descolocado ha sido el que estuviera vuestros nombres. y claro, los has introducido tú a modo de coña o broma. vale. jeje, me habia asustado, que algun troll os atacara al ver vuestros nombres. poer eso el postear. pero, vamos, veo que todo va bien. ok.

un saludo